Our History

Posted by SUKSIS UIAM Sunday, August 22, 2010

The IIUM SUKSIS SILENT DRILL TEAM is a 24 personnel rifle platoon of the Royal Malaysian Police Voluntary Police Corp. Referred to as The Blues & Royals Team, the team performs unique silent precision exhibition marching drill. The purpose of the platoon to exemplify the discipline and professionalism of the Royal Malaysian Police. The routine concludes with a unique rifle inspection involving elaborate rifle spins and tosses. All drill movements are done with superfluous spin of the rifle, making the Silent Drill Platoon's drill unique from other uniform bodies units' movements. Exhibition drill is a modified routine that involves complex marching sequences that usually deviate from standard drill.

IIUM SUKSIS SILENT DRILL Platoon also the first team in IPTA to be established in Malaysia. This establishment is due to lifting up the image of the Royal Malaysia Police and the image of the university. The drill was performed solely by the student and using the standard Lee Enfield No. 1 Mark 5 rifle as the drill rifle.

The team was the proud of the IIUM SUKSIS organization where it is the first team that established to perform drills and take the art of marching and drilling to the next level. This team was established on 10th of April 2010 and has been endorsed by the IIUM co-curiculum senate members and with support from the IIUM SUKSIS commandant and deputy rector of IIUM.

This team officially celebrates its establishment annually at 15th October to mark the birth of the team. The ceremony is called as "The Blues & Royals Night" that will be attended by the high ranking officer of the Royal Malaysia Police and IIUM officials.

1 Responses to Our History

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. What a great looking team!

    John Marshall
    The DrillMaster


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